Batch Meetup

CASSINI Business Accelerator | July 27, 2023


At the end of June, the startups currently enrolled in the CASSINI Business Accelerator programme all headed to Czechia to attend the CASSINI Entrepreneurship Days in Prague, followed by a very special 3-Day Batch Meetup event in the idyllic small town of Kouty.

At the Entrepreneurship Days, organized by the European Union Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA), the startups showcased their products and services, gained valuable insights about business management in the space-tech industry through workshops and presentations and  pitched their businesses before a captivated audience of investors and stakeholders.

Following the Entrepreneurship Days, the startups headed to the Czech countryside for some well-deserved rest in the form of a fruitful group retreat. These three days were a great opportunity for the Batch to further engage with each other and meet their lead coaches in person. A wide range of activities were organised, ranging from tailored workshops on pitching, dealing with stress and embracing failure to reinvigorating hikes through trees and stone castles. This very successful get-together also allowed organisers and participants of the CASSINI Business Accelerator to look back at the first two months of the programme and collect valuable feedback for the further development of the initiative.

If you're interested in participating in the next Batch of the CASSINI Business Accelerator, running from November 2023 -April 2024, stay tuned!

Batch Meetup - Kouty